What is your problem?!

I’m so tired of people dissing my a cappella group.

You don’t think before you speak to me, do you? You don’t realize that I am IN THAT A CAPPELLA GROUP, do you?

I don’t want you to lie…but there are other ways of telling the truth. If you’re my “friend,” then you would find those other ways. Seriously. I don’t want to hear your sh** if you’re just going to talk bad about everything we do.

We’re all girls…so what?! We smile more than you. We have more fun. We are sweeter than you. We have strong female soloists. What do you have? Basses?

We may not have amazing basses…but we work with what we’ve got. We make good music WITHOUT MEN. Yeah, I just said that.

We don’t need your approval. We don’t need you to tell us what we can and cannot do. Oh, we know…but we honestly don’t care.

We’re not competitive. How many times do I need to say this?!

We may not be the best…we’re not trying to be better than you…we just want to make music.

So what the hell is your problem?!

Currently listening to “Impossible” by Shontelle.

Trying…but it hurts…

I keep trying to use my right pinky…

Lately (this is probably a bad idea) I’ve been taking off my splint a lot more. The first nurse to put it on me molded it lower on my pinky/hand/wrist/arm…so, when I went to Bristol Park Medical Group last Friday, the doctor placed it a bit higher. Now, the splint is placed rather uncomfortably along my Ulna bone (the bone that projects out of the top of one’s wrist) and whatever bone is opposite that one on the inside of one’s wrist (the one connected to the pinky). Ouchie! Yup it hurts like crazy, because it feels like needles are shooting up my pinky and ringer fingers making them go numb. Thus, making me loosen my splint which isn’t good anyway. Also, I had a performance with my a cappella group on Wednesday and we did awesome choreography and I didn’t want to be the lame one and only use one hand. Besides, it’s not my wrist that’s injured! While doing the choreography, it’s quite amusing how we need to straighten our fingers…but my pinky doesn’t straighten all the way… I can kind of hide it…kind of.

I need to get myself together and finally finish my Writing 39C, but that involves typing…do you know how difficult it is to type with a splint on and a wrap that covers your pinky and your ring fingers? Super difficult! So I take it off and, because I’m used to playing piano, I try to type with all my fingers…completely forgetting that my pinky doesn’t quite bend that way (just yet). It doesn’t hurt when I move my pinky, but it does hurt when I try to press something with it. I am, however, getting used to typing with every finger except my pinky…it’s just weird.

You should try it!